15th December 1998 birth time 20 45
AstroSanhita Q-Hub Latest Questions
Name: Subashini birth date: 17/6/2001 time: 1046pm place; Mentekab malaysia problem: im struggling with sick every month.. and nowadays im not well because some problem in stomach and bone pain.. i also notice that whenever i post my picture in social media im fall ...
How will be my health in overall and in 2021. What are my chances of making it big in politics. My date of birth is 11.09.69 . time of birth 07.45am. place of birth tenali
Hello, I am very obese and plan to quit my hectic job for about 6 months to give myself sometime to loose weight. Coz my weight is causing an hindrance in finding my life partner. Will I succeed? I have ...
I was born on 3 April 1998, 12:27am in Mysore, Karnataka, India. My health is not good since 6-7 months. Something or other health issue is always there. When will i get rid of all my health issues and how?