Will I get divorced? How will be my married life? Wife 28/12/1984 born in Mumbai at 19:26 and husband 5-12-1987, Mumbai at 14:30. Married in 16/7/2017
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Namaste, I am going through a divorce after 20+ years of marriage. I am currently isolated and very stressed because of being far away from my son, parents, siblings because of my job. Can you please tell me if this ...
My dob – 23/03/1991 lucknow 10:45 am my husband dob – 11/11/1985 1:30 am As we are facing marital issues from a long time.. No compatibility no trust between two of us.. What will be the fate ...
Hi, wanted to know will divorce happen and when because husband is money minded person he doesn’t want to continue the marriage but he is not ready for alimony . 21/9/1985,6.55am,dandeli karnataka 13/2/1989,10.45pm, mumbai Maharashtra thanks in a advance .
Sunil Sharma Dob – 19 Nov 1988 Time : 05 :05 PM Place : Radaur Haryana Wife details below Name : Bharti Sharma Dob : 05 Jan 1987 Time : 02 : 00 PM Place Kangra Himachal Pradesh
I am a Female born on May 11, 1993, at 5:45 pm in Mysore, will my marriage survive? Currently facing a number of issues in marriage and no solution seems clear. How will be marriage life later if it survives?
I am seprated with my for 6 months now. My wife file divorce. Can marriage be survived or we will hav divorce. My Name- AMRENDRA DOB: 13/01/1983 BIRTH TIME-5:30 AM PLACE: SULTANPUR MY WIFE NAME: POORNIMA DOB :12/07/1984 BIRTH TIME:9:45 AM
I am separated from my husband and filed for divorce are we getting back together despite this and when if we will ever. he is currently living with another woman the one he cheated with
after 3.5 years of marriage, my husband is not on talking terms with me without any reason. from a year he behaves in this manner. Finally, I came to my native place with my daughter. He is not picking phone, ...