my name is zahra , i am female Time birthday: 27th march 1995 (I don’t know exactly what time) Place: Tehran , Iran
AstroSanhita Q-Hub Latest Questions
Date of birth: 11 June 1998 Time of birth: 4:45 pm Place of birth: Cagliari, Italy Thank you in advance.
Hello, Name: Anchal Solanki DoB: 07 May 1995 Time: 5:15 AM Place: Mandsaur (M.P.) I want to know when will I meet my soulmate. Do I have love or arrange marriage. How are my life, family, and career going to be after marriage. Will I ...
When will i get married, will I get the spouse of my choice, how will be married life, how will be love between us My name is Ashutosh Singhal. Dob 8th july 1988 Tob 05.14.02 AM Jodhpur Rajasthan I want to know about my marriage, ...
My name is subashini . My birth date jun 17 2001. I born at 10 46 pm at mentekab malaysia. I want to know my life spouse first letter and when i will meet so i no need to worry ...