Dear Sir
Good Morning , I am Senthilkumar from Chennai , My DOB 21.10.1973 , Time 10.20 PM , and Place of Birth Vellore Tamilnadu.
Me , Leo , Magam 4th part , Gemini Lagna
Last Two Years i am facing an big issue in Career , Finance and Family Life , and i had been living seperatly for last 3 Years from 2016 June , and My Wife an Engineer Graduate , not willing to live with me ,No Contact for more than 2 Years , she does not want me to see my face also, But i am very egarly waiting for her to live my childs.
Is it possible to rejoin with my family forth coming days ?
It is possible during 2021 when Jupiter and Saturn will transit in Capricorn sign during the year 2021 impacting your 2nd house and 4th house. Although it may not be permanent.
It is possible during 2021 when Jupiter and Saturn will transit in Capricorn sign during the year 2021 impacting your 2nd house and 4th house. Although it may not be permanent.
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