Hello, my name is Stela Atanasova Georgieva – born on 02 May 1996 in Karnobat, Bulgaria at 09:00 Am (eastern europe +3) or universal world time 06:00 – i am sufferinng by fepression of lack of knowledge about finding the best profession and life mission – i am very sad dissapointed and desperated – please any advice would be good for me i need … and all of the written things i have tried and even studied but without success i dont really know thank You so much i even do not work since two years now and not in health
Just remember Life gives you thousands reason to cry show life you are a warrior and show it you have thousands reason to smile 😁😁😁😁😁 I was feeling alone in covid so I wanted to learn new things explore myself a little bit as a human so I went to learn astrology now also learning and this website asRead more
Just remember Life gives you thousands reason to cry show life you are a warrior and show it you have thousands reason to smile 😁😁😁😁😁
I was feeling alone in covid so I wanted to learn new things explore myself a little bit as a human so I went to learn astrology now also learning and this website astrosanhita is so helpful and also makes you curious to learn more so sister explore yourself in this time
And I know basic or little about astrology 😊
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