In which path my career should be? Right now, I really don’t know what to do and seeking opportunities to make money as well but don’t know what to pursue and how to , really what to do ? NAME=AKSHAY KUMAR ...
AstroSanhita Q-Hub Latest Questions
Hi, I am from Russia. My date of birth is 9 March1996, time of birth is 1:13am in Yekatrinburg. When will I get my true love?
I want to know future of my child. He is in 12th class and studying medical. Which career will be good for him in future? My son’s date of birth is October 18,2007 , Time 4:07am, Meerut. His name is ...
I want to opt acting as my career. Is it right choice for me? Will I succeed in acting? My date of birth is 9 feb 1997 in Vadodara. Time is morning 10:30am
Recently read the article on prediction of daily horoscope, I have a question in my mind. Why Daily horoscope is predicted different everyday on so many social media platforms ? How to know which is the most accurate? And what ...
3/5/2006 date of birth time 1.40 p.m place of birth pune maharashtra.can you pls tell me about his career.which field is good.Does he have rahu ketu dosh or kal sarpa dosham.will he face any hurdle in education