hello sir/mam i want to know how i can see aspects of planets in different houses in birth chart and navamsa as well i have seen some planet aspects 3 houses some planet aspect only 1 house does certain position in birth chart and navasma affect that certain planet is going to aspect 3 houses or 1 houses
for example planet sitting in 10 house is having aspect on 3 houses
or the nature of planet shows that it is going to have a certain no of aspect like saturn can aspect only 1 house and mars can aspect 3 houses
this is quite confusing for me
i cant see who is aspecting whom
kindly guide me
According to Vedic astrology, All planets aspect the 7th house from them. This means, a planet in Aries (Mesha) sign aspect 7th house from it. i.e, Libra (Tula). In addition to this 7th aspect, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter have special aspect. Jupiter aspect 5th & 9th house in addition to 7th aspecRead more
According to Vedic astrology, All planets aspect the 7th house from them. This means, a planet in Aries (Mesha) sign aspect 7th house from it. i.e, Libra (Tula). In addition to this 7th aspect, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter have special aspect. Jupiter aspect 5th & 9th house in addition to 7th aspect. Similarly, Mars has 4th & 8th aspect and Saturn 3rd & 10th house aspect.
Rahu & ketu are known as shadow planets has 5th & 9th house aspect along with 7th house. Which means, their aspect is similar to Jupiter.
An aspect is good or bad according to the re- lation between the aspecting and the aspected body. Malefic planets always has bad aspect.
The same principle applies to Navamsa chart too
See lessbrother help me out my sun is in 7 house it is aspecting 1 house saturn is in 5 th house aspecting 11 7 2 houses mars is in 10 house aspecting 4 1 5 houses jupiter is in 12 house aspecting 6 4 8 houses mercury venus in 6 house aspecting 12 houses i im libra ascendent
brother help me out my sun is in 7 house it is aspecting 1 house
saturn is in 5 th house aspecting 11 7 2 houses
mars is in 10 house aspecting 4 1 5 houses
jupiter is in 12 house aspecting 6 4 8 houses
mercury venus in 6 house aspecting 12 houses
1st of all I would like to say that you either work in Govt.Sector or else hold equivalent position in your life. Since, 11th lord sun is placed in 7th, it implies fortune after marriage. Your spouse may coming from high status family. 6th lord Jupiter in 12th is a good sign for Thula lagna people.
1st of all I would like to say that you either work in Govt.Sector or else hold equivalent position in your life. Since, 11th lord sun is placed in 7th, it implies fortune after marriage. Your spouse may coming from high status family. 6th lord Jupiter in 12th is a good sign for Thula lagna people.
See lessare ther any chances of ias ifs and ips i i mean the only thing to work for govt is that only i in ca preparing for such post my age is 27 so no other govt job
are ther any chances of ias ifs and ips i i mean the only thing to work for govt is that only i in ca preparing for such post my age is 27 so no other govt job
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