My DOB 06-july-1992 and his is 08-Aug-1989, I am currently in relationship with someone and we both are wishing to get married but i am finding hard to convince my parents, However his parents approval has already been granted for ...
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Himangshu Singh
Asked: 5 years agoIn: Love & Relationships
What are the effects of Jupiter in 7th house as Lagna Lord(Pisces Lagna) and also also as 10th lord in my horoscope? Please give information about my love life, marriage, career and overall income as well as success rate in ...
Pritish Gupta
Asked: 5 years agoIn: Love & Relationships
Asked: 5 years agoIn: Love & Relationships
Himangshu Singh
Asked: 5 years agoIn: Love & Relationships
Extramarital relationships is a curse to a happy stable married life but sometimes, it starts only because of unhappy or unsatisfied martial bliss.Lack of harmony, mutual understanding and lack of physical compatibility or satisfaction most of the times becomes the ...
Krystal Thomas
Asked: 5 years agoIn: Love & Relationships