Male Native born 19th July 1994, 09:10 AM, in Umreth, Gujarat
There is a Debilitated moon in Rashi Chart, Deep debilitated moon in Navamsha Chart.
There is Retrograde Saturn aspecting Moon from 7th House in Rashi, Retrograde Saturn aspecting 7th house in Navamsha. Retrograde Saturn and Ketu both are aspecting Venus in the Leo ascendent in Rashi Chart as well.
Most importantly, the Natal Tithi lord is Mars (Shukla Ekadashi) and Day was also Tuesday. So again Mars, which is aspecting Debilitated Moon in Rashi Chart. Mars and Rahu Conjunct in 12th house in Navamsha as well.
Will this create issue in the marriage or will the native have a successful marriage? Please advise.
Note: all these details are according to True Lahiri/Chitrapaksha Ayanamsha